🫰 Brainstorm New Revenue Streams

PLUS: Mind-Blowing AI Music

Welcome back to 3 Things! In this edition we cover:

  1. Prompt Idea: Brainstorm New Revenue Streams 🫰

  2. Update: ChatGPT Adds Memory 🐘 

  3. Prompt Idea: Create Detailed Customer Personas 🧑‍🦰 

Plus, as a bonus: mind-blowing AI music developments 🤯 



Brainstorm New Revenue Streams

Looking to expand revenue sources? ChatGPT can help expose you to new creative ideas.

Prompt: I run a high-end homeware retail store in a small New Zealand town. Give me 5 ideas for ways to increase and diversify my revenue sources.

1. Online Store Expansion: [Detail omitted for brevity]
2. Home Styling Services: [..]
3. Workshops and Events: [..]
4. Subscription Boxes: [..]
5. Collaborations and Partnerships: [..]


  • Ask for multiple ideas

  • The more context you give ChatGPT about your business, the better the ideas will be

  • Once you get a response, try asking for: more ideas, more creative ideas, ideas that don’t work, ideas that Steve Jobs would come up with etc. etc. The magic of ChatGPT is in the chatting!

Why this matters to Kiwi leaders

We (Jeremy & Jamie) know from experience that leading an organisation can sometimes be lonely - particularly a small one. It can be hard to step away from the day-to-day, to think about the big picture. Prompts like the above can quickly give you an impartial set of eyes on your situation and get you considering new ideas and approaches.


ChatGPT Adds Memory

OpenAI recently introduced a new feature for both free and paid ChatGPT users called memory.

This allows you to give ChatGPT information that is then remembered for all future chats.


Why this matters to Kiwi leaders

ChatGPT Memory has two key benefits:

  • It saves you time by avoiding the need to repeat instructions;

  • It gives you better responses that are more tailored to you.

Keep in mind that while this feature is helpful, it's still evolving. Just like other features from OpenAI, it might take some time to fully grasp its usefulness. But overall, it's a step forward in making your conversations with ChatGPT more efficient and personalized.


Create detailed customer personas

No matter your business or organisation type, you have an audience you’re wanting to reach. To better consider this audience from more angles, building ‘personas’ can be useful.

ChatGPT can help you come up with a large menu of considerations to select from:

Prompt: Help me create detailed customer personas for our business. Give me a list of things I should consider.

1. Demographics:
• Age
• Gender
• Income level
• Education level
• Occupation
2. Location:
• Urban, suburban, rural
• Region or country
• Climate considerations if relevant to your business
3. Psychographics:
• Lifestyle e.g. active, family-oriented, work-focused
• Personality traits e.g. adventurous, practical, eco-conscious
• Values and beliefs e.g. sustainability, CSR

[Abbreviated for conciseness. Many more given!]

Why this matters to Kiwi leaders

ChatGPT is powerful not only at generating answers, but in coming up with intelligent questions too.

Even when ChatGPT can’t come up with the answers, it can help you structure your thinking and consider a situation from multiple angles.


AI for Music

Lastly, an update from the wider world of AI.

AI-generated music is here and we’re not exaggerating when we say this is truly mind-blowing.

One system in particularly called Udio, creates music that is hard to distinguish from human-generated music.

A few examples:

Keep in mind the above music was created in 10-20 seconds, simply by someone typing a few words of text on their computer 🤯 

Questions? Suggestions? Just hit reply.

Mā te wā,

Jeremy & Jamie
Mosaic Partners

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